VAPENSYSTEMS 21st.Century Technology / PHONE: 561-346-7038


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Fast Access

Fast Access

Traditional weapons safes have one sole focus – storage. But in an emergency, when a weapon is needed immediately, fast weapons access, a convenient location, and secure access are all crucial.

Safe Location. Our products are designed with the smallest possible footprint possible. This means they can be placed in a variety of convenient locations that most other safes cannot, for example, in a closet, a small office, or a bedroom. The patented and therefore unique rotating door design makes this possible, as there is no external door swing.

Safe Access. The QVR and QVRt and THOR feature biometric keypad access, conveniently located within the safe’s door handle. An authorized user with their finger on the biometric reader opens the lock, which is buried deep underneath the safe, and this allows the door to be quickly rotated open. The entire process takes less then 4 seconds. 

Weapons Access. The interior of the QVR, QVRt and THOR are all engineered for rapid access. The proprietary 180-degree rotating door design means that once the door is open, the contents are immediately and readily accessible, providing significantly faster access than most traditional secure weapons storage.